Family Law

Family problems and relationship breakdowns are seldom straightforward. These problems are often extremely upsetting, both emotionally and financially, and can potentially damage careers and reputations.
Murphy McElligott has extensive experience in this area of law and has acted in a number of high profile cases that set legal precedents and are now incorporated into Irish Law. Our expertise covers:
- Child Abduction
- Domestic Violence
- Divorce
- Guardianship, Access & Custody Nullity
- Judicial Separation
- Maintenance
- Separation
- Surrogacy
- Financial, Property & Pension Adjustment Orders
How we can help
We understand the complexities that can arise in matters of family law and will give you sensible, practical advice. Whatever the situation, we aim to guide you towards a workable, acceptable solution. Our approach in the first instance is to seek to avoid court proceedings by resolving problems through collaboration. Contact us in confidence to find out more about our services and how we can help.
Practical solutions... proven results
Founded in 1999, we pride ourselves on our client friendly approach. We can offer professional advice on many areas of law. Our aim is always to focus on your particular requirements; helping you to develop strategies to achieve your goal.
It's professional advice... it's personal attention
We provide a complete range of legal and advisory services to private individuals, businesses and their families, and are dedicated to providing a personal and flexible service that is tailored to our client's individual requirements with a confident and considerate approach.